Why I Started Writing Blogs

July 5, 2018

Today I will complete a week of regular blogging. It’s been said, that an action turn into habit if done for continuous 21 days. There is still 14 days left, but I am feeling a sense of conviction, that this has become an habit for me. I am in love with blogging. This is because of so many advantage, it comes with -

  • Pen All :

    Write everything, I learnt during the day. This help me, whenever i forget the approach to solve similar problems, which I faced earlier. Now, I don’t have to run through google searches to find my answer, rather, a basic search on my own blog will help me out.

  • Learn anywhere :

    I can now, open my website and go through my content anytime. It helps me in many situations like interviews, meeting with clients, where you can’t carry your notes, and to avoid nervousness you want a last look of your work.

  • Lazy actions hampering Thoughts :

    I Was thinking of writing continuous blogs since 2014, but as my time table never worked, this thought never got over 3 or 4 blogs. If I would have continued at that moment, things would have been different.

I will suggest every student to start blogging early in the life and keep blogging always.

This month, I will be blogging about following topics :

  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Apache Spark (Python API)
  • Apache Kafka
  • ZooKeeper
  • Apache Solr
  • Apache Storm
  • HyperLedger Fabric (BlockChain)

  • A special series on How to spend your 4 years in College.

Stay Tuned :)

Happy Learning!

Rajiv Jha

Rajiv Jha

Rajiv Jha

My name is Rajiv Jha. I am Senior Engineering student at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.